List of authors

Alice Pinho Reis

Alice Pinho Reis is currently doing her Master in European Contemporary History in Luxembourg.

Armin Ceman

I am Ceman Armin, a Master’s student at the University of Luxembourg.

Philippe Hein

I am a master student at the University of Luxembourg.

André Ramos

André Ramos is a student in the Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine at the University of Luxembourg. He did his Bachelor in Culutres Européennes (History) between 2019 and 2022 also at the University of Luxembourg. His main interest lies in history of migration, particularly in the Portuguese migration in the small town of Larochette in Luxembourg.

Andreas Fickers

Andreas is a professor of contemporary and digital history at the University of Luxembourg and the director of the C2DH. He is the author of Communicating Europe: Technologies, Information, Events (2019) and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Digital History JDH

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Benjamin Juchem

Benjamin Juchem is a student in the Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine at the University of Luxembourg. He did his Bachelor in Cultures Européennes (History) between 2019 and 2022 aslo in the University of Luxembourg.

Alongside his studies, he has been a student assistant at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) since 2021, under the supervision of Professor Machteld Venken. He is interested in the history of migration, and in particular working-class immigration to the Minett cross-border basin during the inter-war period.

Caroline Resch

Caroline Resch is a final year master’s student of the University of Luxembourg’s Master in European Contemporary History. Her special interest for Luxembourgish migration to the United States is not only underlined by her Bachelor thesis and article on the mid-19th century Luxembourgish Moselle emigration wave to the States, but also by her collaboration on the serious game “The Migrants’ Chronicles”.

Cathy Collard

Cathy Collard is currently in her second year of the Master in European Contemporary History at the University of Luxembourg. She is especially interested in women’s history and legal history. In this regard, she wrote her Bachelor thesis about the legislation of the Luxembourgish social state and women’s and children’s work around 1900. Moreoever, she plans to write her Master thesis about the feminist activism of Jeanne Rouff during the women’s movement in the 1970s. She also works as a student assistant for the MAHEC program.

Célia Hamissi

Célia Hamissi is a student at the University of Luxembourg in Master Histoire Européenne Contemporaine.this is my link

Christelle Timis

Christelle Timis is a Master’s student of European Contemporary History at the University of Luxembourg. She works on transcribing WWII letters using the software Transkribus as a student assistant at the C2DH (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History), aiming to create a Luxembourgish HTR language model. She is also a member of the student association Historic.UL.


Daniele Guido

Daniele is a designer and full-stack developer specialising in data visualisation, network visualisation and digital methods at the C2DH. He designs and develops experimental web applications and tools to improve information retrieval in the digital humanities.

Emily Griffin

I am Emily Griffin. Currently in my second year of my master’s degree in European and Contemporary History at the university of Luxembourg.

Frédéric Reis

Frédéric Reis is a seasoned IT Analyst Programmer with 14 years of experience, primarily in web development at the C2DH.

Hannah Schmit

Hannah Schmit is a student in the Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine at the University of Luxembourg. Her main interests lie in the Second World War and especially its repercussions on Luxembourg and its people. Furthermore, she is also interested in women’s history with a focus on the 20th century.

Jacob Grimm

I am jacob Grimm itthis is my link

Kevin Fernandes Pereira

I am currently a Masterstudent in European Contemporary History at the University of Luxembourg.

Kirill Mitsurov

I work as designer at C2DH

Laura Steil

Laura Steil is postotdoctoral researcher at the C²DH. She is part of the PopKult60 team, and examines bals (dance parties) in the Minett, with a microhistorical focus on the neighbourhood of the “Grenz” in Esch-sur-Alzette. She holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France (2015).

this is my link

Laurence Harf

Laurence Harf is a Master student at the University of Luxembourg in contemporary history. In parallel, she is working as an expert in communication for the State of Luxembourg. Between 2000 and 2016, Laurence has paticipated in the national media landscape as a political editorialist.

Liliana Horta Coelho

Liliana Horta Coelho

Liliana Horta Coelho is a student in the Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine at the University of Luxembourg. Her main interests lie in the Digital History and the long time history in the Social Media.

Luca Uhrig

I am a Master of Arts student at the University of Luxembourg and specialize in economic history and antiquity. I have studied both in Germany and Luxembourg and am a Student Assistant in the Project Letterbox of the C2DH, led by Prof. Benoît Majerus. My BA-Thesis was on Luxembourg's Holding Law of 1929 and my MA-Thesis will contribute further to the study of Holding companies before, during and after World War II.

Morgane Denozi

Morgane Denozi is a Master’s student of European Contemporary History at the University of Luxembourg. Her main interest lies in women’s history from the Middle Ages to today. In addition, she is a student assistant in the secretariat of the C2DH (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History). Furthermore, she is the president of the student association Historic UL of the university.

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Pol Schlottert

I am Pol Schlottert, currently a Master Student in the Master for Contemporary History at the University of Luxembourg. From 2017-2020 I studied History at the Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg im Breisgau before switching to the University of Luxembourg. I got my Bachelors degree in 2022. My BA-Thesis dealt with rumours in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg during World War 1. My MA-Thesis deals with the representation of civilians in digital war games.

Zaouch Yassine

The name’s Yassine. Besides studying History at the UNI LUxembourg, I hit the Gym and train boxing several times a week. During my free-time I spend time with friends and like to read. TO gain more experience within my studies, I help out at my local archive and give historical guides.

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